Introducing the project and the consortium

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IMPACTIntroducing the project and the consortium
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Overview The project runs from 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2027. IMP>ACT brings together an interdisciplinary consortium with partners from SCCE research, policy and practice. In each country a national stakeholder group (35 committed organisations) actively co-develops and validates the IMP>ACT assessment framework, contributing to its validity and viability beyond the project’s lifetime.

Academic Partners

Societal Partners

Societal Collaborations

Next to the six societal partners in the IMP>ACT consortium, in each country a national stakeholder group (35 committed organisations) will be actively involved to co-develop and validate the IMP>ACT assessment framework, contributing to its validity and viability beyond the project’s lifetime. The IMP>ACT assessment framework will allow designers and implementers of SCCE policies, curricula and practices to collect information on the impact they achieve, and as such drive improved feedback loops between research, policy and practice. This will ensure that SCCE materials, tools, interventions, and curricula stay relevant, and lead to evidence-based quality improvement of SCCE policies and practices.

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