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Hochschule,IMPACT,Projekt,Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung,Nachhaltige Entwicklung,Lehre

Impact Assessment for action competence (IMP>ACT)
- a journey towards understanding and enhancing sustainability and climate change education (SCCE).
IMP>ACT aims to understand what learners truly gain from Sustainability and Climate Change Education (SCCE)’ and how it shapes their mindsets and actions. As SCCE is still relatively new in the EU context there is still a lack of understanding of what effective SCCE looks like and how its impact can be measured. As a result, an evidence base to inform decisions for further development of programs and policies is still lacking. To drive assessment of these impacts within but also beyond education (in the wider economy and society), our overall objective is to develop the IMP>ACT assessment framework, tailored to users’ needs in SCCE policy and practice.
The project and it's scope are explained in the following short video.